New Look for Minot Milling
Mar 30On behalf of the Minot Milling team I’m proud to introduce you to our new Minot Milling website. The new website amasses all the new innovative technology we’ve added to expand our product line and improve overall quality.
The first and foremost is the addition of pearling equipment to our durum mill which strips impurities from the outer bran coat resulting in a more pure semolina free of contaminates that may be present on the exterior of grain when harvested. The second is our new farmer network program that provides for direct delivery form the farmers’ bins to our mill. This minimizes the amount of grain that has to pass through third party elevators, which preserves quality and enhances traceability from the consumer to the farm.

Another new program the mill has implemented over the past year is partnering with the growers to launch a sustainability program that promotes total regenerative agriculture which helps growers evaluate and modify their grower practices to preserve the integrity of their land for future generations.
As you navigate through our new website you will have the opportunity to learn everything about Minot Milling from our history to a product line that is tailored for today’s markets. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to hear more about our ability to be your provider of any of our many durum or hard red spring products.
Tim Dodd & the Minot Milling Team